Meredith WakefieldMusings & MutterancesOH, JEESHFollowing fast on January's heels is her evil step-sister February. She especially hates those who claim to love winter. You know the...
Meredith WakefieldMusings & MutterancesLET IT SNOWJanuary gets a bad rap. People complaining about the snow, the short days, the cold, the this, the that, like they had been promised...
Meredith WakefieldMusings & MutterancesSERIOUSLY, FOLKS!I'm beginning to really hate exclamation points! In fact, the overuse of them - of which I have been guilty - is causing me to have an...
Meredith WakefieldMusings & MutterancesTHE SOUNDS OF SILENCESilence has always intrigued me. There can be a real density to it at times. In fact, you can actually hear the silence. Think of a...
Meredith WakefieldMusings & MutterancesTHE SNAKE CHARMER"There's a snake in the house!!!!" Mitch had just come in from the studio for a quick cup of coffee. He slowly poked his head around the...